
Working process for Investor

Step 1

Initial Consultation and Needs Assessment

  • Meet to discuss your business goals, investment plans, and specific requirements.
  • Provide a comprehensive overview of the Vietnamese market landscape and investment opportunities.
  • Understand the industry, location preferences, and budget.
  • Identify key challenges and concerns to address during the process.
Step 2

Sign the Preliminary Agreement

  • Formalize the intent to work together with a preliminary agreement, such as Engagement Letter.
  • Ensure commitment and exclusivity to protect both parties' interests.
  • Define the initial scope of services, terms, and confidentiality obligations.
Step 3

Market Research

  • Conduct a comprehensive market analysis tailored to your investment needs
  • Evaluate potential sites, regulatory requirements, and local market dynamics.
  • Conduct a detailed market research tailored to your industry in Vietnam (Premium)
Step 4

Site Selection and Visits

  • Shortlist potential sites or facilities based on your criteria.
  • Organize and accompany you on site visits to evaluate options.
  • Assess factors like location benefits, infrastructure, and cost implications.
Step 5

Detailed Due Diligence

  • Perform thorough due diligence on selected sites, including legal, financial, and environmental checks.
  • Verify compliance with local regulations and investment laws.
  • Address any potential risks or issues identified during due diligence.
Step 6

Contract Negotiation and Signing

  • Draft and negotiate the final contract terms with selected partners or service providers.
  • Ensure all parties agree on the terms, conditions, and deliverables.
  • Sign the final contract to formalize the partnership or investment agreement.
Step 7

Ongoing Support and Project Management

  • Provide continuous support throughout the project implementation phase.
  • Assist with regulatory approvals, construction, and operational setup.
  • Monitor progress and provide updates to ensure successful project completion.

FIBIC team would like to express our appreciation to you - the "Investor" (of attention, time, money and resources) who have accompanied us throughout the past journey and potential challenges ahead. We look forward to continue our healthy and sustainable cooperation, aiming to achieve even better results.

Should you have any suggestions or feedbacks, please feel free to contact us. We are only one call, one email away.

With Appreciation,

FIBIC - A Company dedicated For Investor, By Investor