Service Provider

Working process for Service Provider

Step 1

Initial Contact and Introduction

  • Reach out to discuss your services and capabilities.
  • Provide an overview of your experience, specializations, and past projects.
  • Understand our company’s needs and service requirements.
Step 2

Sign the Preliminary Agreement

  • Enter into a preliminary agreement, such as a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Service Agreement.
  • Confirm your willingness to collaborate and adhere to the terms outlined.
  • Establish exclusivity or non-compete clauses if applicable.
Step 3

Service Proposal and Scope Definition

  • Submit a detailed service proposal outlining deliverables, timelines, and costs.
  • Define the scope of work and specific responsibilities.
  • Adjust the proposal based on feedback and align it with our requirements.
Step 4

Contract Negotiation and Finalization

  • Negotiate contract terms, including service level agreements (SLAs) and performance metrics.
  • Ensure clarity on pricing, payment terms, and project milestones.
  • Finalize and sign the contract to formalize the service agreement.
Step 5

Project Kickoff and Implementation

  • Initiate the project with a kickoff meeting to align expectations and confirm deliverables.
  • Begin service delivery according to the agreed schedule and scope.
  • Coordinate with our team to address any issues or adjustments needed.
Step 6

Ongoing Communication and Reporting

  • Maintain regular communication and provide progress updates.
  • Submit reports and documentation as required by the contract.
  • Address any concerns or feedback promptly to ensure smooth execution.
Step 7

Project Review and Completion

  • Conduct a final review of deliverables and overall performance.
  • Ensure all contract terms and obligations are met.
  • Gather feedback and make any necessary adjustments for future collaboration.

FIBIC team would like to express our appreciation to you - the "Investor" (of attention, time, money and resources) who have accompanied us throughout the past journey and potential challenges ahead. We look forward to continue our healthy and sustainable cooperation, aiming to achieve even better results.

Should you have any suggestions or feedbacks, please feel free to contact us. We are only one call, one email away.

With Appreciation,

FIBIC - A Company dedicated For Investor, By Investor